14. July 2023
Romanian universities are the best at the championship in Podgorica
The European University Handball Championship – Podgorica 2023 has finally
concluded on 14th July with an exciting Closing Ceremony in Podgorica at Sports
and Cultural centre of the University of Montenegro.
Over 350 participants from 19 Universities from 11 countries took part in this
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08. July 2023
EUC Handball in Podgorica!
The Opening Ceremony of the European University HandballChampionship – Podgorica 2023 place on 8th July in Podgorica at Sportsand Cultural centre of the University of Montenegro.
The Ceremony was attended by Milan Zvan, EUSA EC member, Matijaz Pecovnik,Secretary general of EUSA, Vasilije Lalosevic, Minister of Sports andYouth in..
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05. July 2023
Upon arrival at Airport Podgorica Volunteers will meet you and escort you to the dedicated buss.
They will be in front of exit but also there will be Students sports association of Montenegro information desk.
Upon your arrival at Dormitory Head of delegation should go at Accreditation centre. For process, of accreditation please prepare..
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05. July 2023
Dates and times of important meetings and ceremonies
General Technical Meeting (GTM) will be held at Meeting room at UCG Sports Hall 08.07.2023 at 18:00h – Head of delegation of each team must be present! Please be prepared for GTM and bring equipment for inspection as well as passports and accreditations. All teams must provide contact number.
Opening Ceremony (OC) will be held at UCG Sports..
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10. January 2023
Are you registered for the European Universities Championships 2023?
European University Sports Association (EUSA) would like to invite you to explore the next year’s European Universities Championships, to register and make sure you compete in your chosen sport.
We are happy to report a big interest for this year's European Universities Championships, and to give you a reminder that it is still possible to..
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